Nyc Center for Animal Care and Control

Nonprofit Overview

Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animals

Mission: For over twenty years, Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) has been providing animal care services to the City of New York. As New York City's only nonprofit animal sheltering organization that never turns away any animal, ACC rescues nearly 30,000 abandoned animals annually. Our presence can be seen and felt across the five boroughs of NYC -- from adoption events, surrender prevention programs, community outreach, pet food banks, free veterinary clinics and much more. Join us in our mission to end animal homelessness in NYC.

Programs: Acc is one of the largest animal welfare organizations in the country, taking in approximately 30,000 animals each year. Ac&c is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that rescues, cares for and finds loving homes for animals throughout the five boroughs of nyc. Acc has an agreement with the city of new york to be an open-admissions organization, which means it never turns away any homeless, abandoned, injured or sick animals in need of help, including cats, dogs, rabbits, small mammals, reptiles, birds, farm animals and wildlife.

Community Stories

39 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

(Brooklyn ) About two months ago I lost my 15-year-old friend – my cat Benny. He broke his back leg while jumping onto my bed. Operation, which was unbearably expensive - was unsuccessful, because in the first day at home, the metal plate, placed during the surgery, gave up and broke the same bone at a higher place. I always thought that it was my cat, totally dependable on me - his only source of livelihood. I tried to be a good keeper of the cats soul from the moment I found the tiny baby kitten on the top of the trash. But when he died, I understood, that it was me, totally dependent on my dear tabby cat, who filled entire the apartment with a special warm aura and gave me the feeling of being needed, loved and important. God, it was so agonizing to feel the emptiness his death left me with. I did not think that another cat could replace my deceased Benny. But after about 2 month I started to think about adoption. In time of the pandemic, some adoption agencies closed their operations and others - made adoption very complicated. The ACC (Brooklyn ) – Animal Care Center of NYC, is the friendliest place, I came to adopt from, due to the wonderful and kind people working there. The place is not very big- but there are always a number of cats, waiting for adoption - from street rescued cats to cats, who were brought in by their owners. The sad part in times of the pandemic is that the cat you file an application for at other adoption centers, will certainly be adopted by someone who filed an application before you and therefore got appointment before you. But when you come – the people who work here (Brooklyn office) would do their best to show you all cats available for adoption. Two young ladies who showed me around were Kenzie DuMars and Stephanie Feliciano – two friendliest ladies who work with the cats and with people coming to adopt. They gave me enough time to get familiar with a couple of cats I had to choose from, to understand if there were some visible bonds between us. They checked my application and interviewed me to understand my knowledge about cat care. They went through the medical info of the cat I am adopting, about the best cat food, toys, litter and about general cat care. There are not many people, who are doing entire shelter work over there. But they are doing their very best - to clean, to feed, to introduce adopters to the cats, to fill out documentations and to follow through with the entire process. And they are very polite and patient. I was so impressed with the service I received. Thank You so much.

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D34dm34t Client Served

Rating: 1

The word "Care" should not even be in the same sentence with "animal centers of NYC"cause quite frankly that is the last priority of this organization which is far from a "great non profit" and an utter disgrace for a so called animal care center , I am not surprised no one claims this profile on this sight because they know they are complete failures at caring for any animal .
I found a dog one morning about 7:00 a.m. chained up to a fence at one of the projects in Chelsea, it was a pitbull of course. It was raining and he was just sitting down looking at anyone that walked by with his ears up in anticipation of someone to walk over to him or even acknowledge his presence, He wasn't whining or barking , just sitting there hoping. I continued with my plans and upon returning to my car that afternoon around 3:00 p.m. he was still there , but now he was lying down defeated it seemed . So I walked over to him and he was excited and expressing that by running in little circles and whimpering with joy to finally be noticed . So I unchained him and walked him to my car and at first he was hesitant to go in it but with a little nudge he jumped into the passenger seat and seemed comfortable . He was a fully intact male little underweight but muscular and collarless. I have 2 dogs of my own both pitbulls both rescues and one of mine was a fully intact male so There wa sno way I could take him home with me , well at least not right away. So I went to several of my friends and tried to pitch the idea of them fostering"Buddy". that wa the name I gave him. to no avail I could not convince any of them to take him in so I called the ACC of NYC and no one answered . This was now around 7:00 p.m. and I just drove to the 110th location and the doors were locked but I saw staff inside milling around so I knocked several times and finally someone opened the door and I plead my case to them and they allowed me to bring him in for intake. I asked them would they evaluate him and give him a physical and they said they would do that the following day. they gave me his intake # and took my info and I said my goodbyes with a heavy heart , feeling bad I wanted to be reassured that they would not put him down and she said "No, we don't do that unless it's an extreme case of a dog being overly aggressive and that they try to place them with a rescue group or get them adopted" these were her words exactly.
I left Buddy there with plans on seeing him again one way or the other . I ended up dropping by one of my friends that I had stopped by earlier and he told me another one of our friends was interested in taking him . So I gave him the info that I received form the ACC of NYC with is intake # and name and he tried to contact them the next morning and all of the sudden they had no info on this dog whatsoever. I also tried to contact them and got nowhere but left my number and requested a call back . well I received a call that went to voicemail with their evaluation and all I remember taking away from that voicemail was the determined he appeared to be hyper aroused when he engaged with the evaluator. So this didn't sound very promising to me , So I once again attempted to call with no luck of getting through till about a day later where they claimed to have no record of Buddy once again and That was the last I heard of him . LAter on I found out that they liberally euthanize dogs daily there even when people try to adopt these dogs and upon more research which I regret not doing before hand that they put down a lot of young beautiful dogs with no remorse or compassion for these animals. I truly was heartbroken to think I that I assisted in ending this dogs life prematurely by bringing him to this Kill shelter in sheeps clothing. The staff blatantly lied to my face and misinformed me about their standard of operations with no intentions of really caring for this dog. These city workers are heartless and lack empathy to which I would compare to a sociopath at best. I don't know how they could possibly live with themselves in regards to the way they treat these abandoned pets all the while claiming to love and care for them . These folks are a waste of the oxygen that we breathe as far as I am concerned and the city of New York should be ashamed of themselves the way they waste taxpayer money on garbage programs like "THRIVE"(what a sham)and fund these shelters minimally or barely at all . I often wonder how humane the euthanization procedure is with worthless leadership that runs this place at its helm.
My final words to the gems that run that show are I hope they live long fruitful live with no tragedy or major losses and never ever die in a car crash but live cancer free forever.
god bless and godspeed.


JohnStuartMill Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 2

Very poor customer service. The staff members I spoke to were not helpful during the adoption process and gave inaccurate information.

Moreover, after reading about the Animal Care Center's involvement in a Spay-Neuter-Kill program where it operated on animals shortly before killing them I investigated further. I have yet to get a satisfactory explanation from the Shelter on this controversy. It does not appear this Shelter is giving animals, potential adopters, or the public at large the quality care it could.

Review from Guidestar

I am so sick to death of the kill list ... especially when it doesn't have to be this way. It's been proven 1X1 across our country that I can be so VERY much better. NYC Animal Control Center tells an incredible sugar & spice horse and pony show that holds SO MANY untruths, the one thing they do well. It has a vile reputation literally around the world. There wouldn't be the overwhelming consistency of outrage if there weren't truth behind it. We have an enormous amount of proof of their lies. If the mainstream general public were aware of what The Advocates live and breathe 24 + 7, the testimonies in City Hall, and trying to save wonderful sweet defenseless adoptable animals out of this center... the roar would become deafening and this archaic killing system would not be tolerated ... especially once people find out how great it is elsewhere. Compare the #s with Austin shelter numbers who has chosen to go no kill. Per capita in a city of 1.1 million versus the city of close to 9 million ...look how many animals Austin saves and do not they fill in NYC ACC. Being a kill pound versus a true no kill shelter is a matter of CHOICE, decision and motivation ...and New York City does not CHOOSE to come out of the Dark Ages. It's equivalent to a concentration camp where those people had no control over what happened to them nor their lives .SCREEN PRINTED.

Review from Guidestar


LovesAnimals1 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Terrible place they Spay and Neuter Animals then turn around and kill them. ASPCA does many surgeries for them and are seemingly OK with this atrocity.

Review from Guidestar


Writer General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

ACC is doing a great job of dealing with the number of unwanted dogs and cats in New York City which is no easy task. They work with local rescue groups and my friend got a great dog there. The volunteers/staff were clearly people who love animals and are trying their hardest to deal with the overwhelming task of so many animals to save with limited resources.


clgm Client Served

Rating: 5

Adopted my dog there and received great service from all the staff there.
They work tirelessly to provide the best care for the thousands of animals they rescue every year.
ACC makes me proud to be a New Yorker.


cat2mom Donor

Rating: 5

I have adopted cats from ACC and I've attended their events and donated to the organization. I've been incredibly impressed with the thoughtful, caring, and dedicated staff I've met over the years. This is the only citywide shelter that has to take every animal that is brought to them. That is an overwhelming amount and I'm grateful that they are on the front lines doing this important work. ACC has made enormous progress in the past decade and is constantly striving to innovate and improve their facilities. I will continue to support them and I encourage everyone to adopt their pets from there as well.

Review from Guidestar

My partner and I adopted two healthy cats from ACC, from two different locations, and we are so happy with our new family members! The staff at ACC was extremely helpful and supportive of all of our questions and concerns. The cats were well-treated and I could tell that the staff had forged personal relationships with both Joey and Johnny. We had a great experience with these adoptions and I wouldn't hesitate to use ACC again.

Because we had such a good experience, we've come to learn more about ACC and support their mission 100%. They've done so much in the last 12 years to improve the level of care that the animals receive, and it's clear that everyone there feels a personal responsibility to live up to the goals of their mission. As a NYC resident, I feel lucky that ACC is managed so well and staffed by so many great people.


Writer General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

My brother has a dog from this shelter. Awesome experience great staff.


jxl2 General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I'm looking for a rescue dog now, and this is where I will get him/her. The new website is great. These detractors do not take the history of this organization into account. It has made HUGE improvements since the Guiliani administration. If you love animals you should adopt here, support the organization, and be part of its continued improvements.


DeniseIn Client Served

Rating: 5

The NYC ACC must take in every animal for the city and has a 92-94% + placement rate which is one of the best in the country for an animal welfare shelter of it's size. The team does it's best with its limited resources, staff and facilities. They are completely dedicated to saving our NYC homeless animals and constantly working to improve the lives, and place the animals. that they care for. I am proud to donate money to their cause and would highly recommend adopting your pet from their shelter. I am so grateful to have them as our NYC shelter.

Review from Guidestar


Jennyw1 Donor

Rating: 5

My donations couldn't have gone to a better place! Friends have rescued dogs from terrible situations, dogs that once in the care of ACC began to make their journey back to recovery. Without the help of the shelters and their wonderful staff, these animals would have languished in abominable conditions. Furthermore, my daughter is working on a bat mitzvah service project with ACC, spending time with animals and helping them maintain meaningful connections with people. They are truly doing great work.

Review from Guidestar


ptn2 Donor

Rating: 5

Animal Care Centers of NYC is the city shelter for New York City. They are literally on the front lines of rescue -- often involving really challenging situations and circumstances. I'm a happily failed foster after fostering a terrified, traumatized, ultimately sweet papillon-mix that had been part of a horrible hoarding case where ACC came in saved the day. We are so happy to have helped rescue this one dog but ACC does this with thousands of dogs, cats and rabbits every single year -- if you care about animals, I can't think of a better place to donate as nearly 90 cents of each dollar is spent on programs and care.

Review from Guidestar

7 Tracy106

Tracy106 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

These "shelters" are disease infested cesspools of death! Every healthy animal that walks through their doors gets sick, every single one, and that's their excuse to kill them. Most of the dogs pulled by rescues end up with pneumonia that normal antibiotics won't touch. It costs these rescues thousands upon thousands to treat those dogs & the ACC doesn't doesn't spend one cent helping those rescues treat those animals that contracted these illnesses in THIER shelter! Seriously ill & animals with broken backs, pelvis & broken legs sit there for days sometimes weeks with NO vet care! One dog that was paralyzed sat there for days unable to express his own bladder! Manhattan & Brooklyn ACC are nothing more than death machines, they kill kill kill innocent, adoptable animals everyday. They even kill dogs that have a hold put on them by rescues saying that "oops, we made a mistake, no big deal". They don't screen adopters at all & many dogs & cats end up in the wrong hands, many tortured, abused, neglected & killed. The bottom line is NYC ACC does not care about any animal that comes through their doors & our companion animals deserve so much better!

Review from Guidestar

5 Maruta R.

Maruta R. Volunteer

Rating: 1

NEVER bring any living animal to this facility. It cannot be called a shelter for the simple fact the leadership cares little about the welfare of the creatures within its walls. We're it not for volunteers & rescues, the atrocities committed here would be even greater. A change in policy, procedures, and leadership MUST be demanded.

Review from Guidestar

3 Elaine N.1

Elaine N.1 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

There is no reason why the City of New York still runs a slaughterhouse!!! My tax dollars should be going to improving and making ACC NO KILL - not wasted on bike posts every few feet and other ridiculous wasteful projects. NYC - the capital of the world - and we still can't manage to become a NO KILL city?? "To be destroyed" is not a tag that should be placed on any sentient being.

Review from Guidestar


eastvillage General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I've only had bad experiences with ACC. I'm not sure if it is a real nonprofit. I know the city outsources animal rescue to them. They kill many of the animals, They changed their name and tried to rebrand a year or so ago but animal lovers in NYC know what they are up to.


maratje Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

This Center is no place for animals. They are an "Open Doors" shelter, meaning they take in EVERY PET, but they themselves state they can "only adopt out cats, rabbits and dogs." They kill the rest. Animals they take in but do not include in their kill statistics include: mice, gerbils, hamsters, rats, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, chinchillas, ferrets, guinea pigs, other rodents, other small furries, parakeets, finches, parrots, other birds, turtles, snakes, geckos, other reptiles, amphibians, and fish. They also are most likely to kill pets belonging to the following groups of people: homeless, evicted, sick, deceased owners, and arrested. They kill without cause, especially strays that are red or black. They have a base working MONTHLY budget (not counting grants, adoption fees, donations, volunteer hours, etc) of $1.3MILLION yet they lack even basic vet care, UV air filtration, vaccines, spay/neuter, and microchipping. They state it is not their responsibility to find homes for the animals there, but the volunteers' job. They release 15+animal euthanization lists at 6 pm, 18 hours before they start to kill, and only allow 4 business hours to save the animals on the list. They kill the animals WITHOUT ANESTHESIA, AGAINST ETHICAL VETERINARY PRACTICES. For these reasons, and more, your donations should be directed elsewhere, like to one of the many New Hope Rescues that save the animals from the euthanization lists when they can.

Review from Guidestar


melkou General Member of the Public

Rating: 4

59 dogs were euthanized last month for minor behavioral issues or ailments . Many were only given 18hrs to be rescued or adopted by a member of the public. These dogs were put to sleep because this organization found them to be too much of a hassle and in "their opinion" unadoptable ...despite their excellent qualities. This is causing great distress by the small people who know about this. Nycacc doesn't welcome feedback nor do they want to change this practice. It has started to make people physically ill trying to save 10 or more dogs publicized on their death row list daily.

Review from Guidestar


Roenbeck General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Hi kill shelter where most animals entering get sick. Animals given 18 hours to get adopted including overnite. Not enough time to get saved so most get euthanized, young healthy, family, adoptable dogs. Do not hold enough adoption events, advertising for these poor animals.

Review from Guidestar


fairfield3 Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

I just read that NYCACC has a Mobile Adoption Unit, which assists in placing animals and decisions of surrender . How amazing! I have been following NYCACC for the past year, and I have seen nothing on their website about a Mobile Unit. The website is run by "Urgent", individuals who have no affiliation with the shelter. As I understand , they receive their information from the shelter to post to the website. The shelter has a propensity of volunteers who assist daily, a vast amount. The amount of actual paid employees is low. This way more can be paid to the Director. The Board does not meet regularly nor are the meeting notes made available to the public. This is a horrible place for animals. NYCACC does not utilize the New Hope Partners like they should. In excess of over 200 Partners, in any given month, maybe 4-5 are used. NYCACC kills healthy dogs, puppies. Their narratives are contradictory at best, an animal will be listed as "accepting all handling, head and eyes "soft", then in the next paragraph it will indicate the dog is "at risk" for rescue , "no children under the age of 13", "tail stiff", etc, with no demonstrable explanation why this was added. There is under-handedness and cover-up at that shelter,and it will be discovered in time. The reports are "fudged", dates don't match. They have a separate list of "strays" and to this day, there are 2 dogs, one of which was a puppy that are still missing. I have the photos and ID numbers of both animals. Someday this shelter will be found out for what it really is, and be closed. We need new people in there, making sweeping changes for the benefit of the animals, instead of the pockets of the Director and her second assistant.

Review from Guidestar

A hell hole for Animals.The staff should be replaced with compassionate and caring people.

Review from Guidestar

This is not a charity nor a shelter. This is a high-kill shelter that does not care about animals. This is the city pound-- lock em up ship em off to die, cut and dried. Don't give them any of your hard-earned money. Instead look for one of the rescue groups that gets animals out of this pound every day and finds them loving, forever homes. The NYC ACC needs serious reform!!!

Review from Guidestar

8 Rose42

Rose42 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

The NYCACC is the equivalent of a Nazi Death Camp! Just the species has changed. The animals are lucky if they get 18 hours between coming in the front door and leaving by the back door in a trash bag! I would not have given any stars but that is not an option!

Review from Guidestar

6 Kittypuppy1024

Kittypuppy1024 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

They don't do full medical exams, and they did not get my pet's age right, so now we know why I did not get to have him longer than what I did. He was a senior pet, who I had about a year before he died, because those lousy excuses of vets could not tell his age, and did their sorry excuse of an exam on him, and found nothing. They were gonna kill him, and then the rescue pulled him. And then I had him 15 wonderful months, and when his condition got worse and he died, it's because they never did anything to find it to begin with.
They kill perfectly adoptable animals all the time! You name it, they kill it! Those baby killers!

Review from Guidestar

Previous Stories

They kill pregnant cats, babies, healthy animals. They get the animals sick so they can put them straight to the top of their kill list. No regard for animal welfare. And pit bulls are the ones they hate the most. They are not the ones who find animals homes, the advocates are. They just kill for thrill. Killing a healthy pregnant cat while giving birth-you tell me. How's this a care center??

Review from Guidestar

10 Alison43

Alison43 General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Adopt from ACC before they get euthanized! Do not donate to ACC, they receive $18 million + per year in grants and donations and it is not going towards the well being or care of the animals. I saw Roxy fka Princess on fb, posted by a group called "Stop the Slaughter" the night that she was going to be euthanized by the ACC because she caught kennel cough THERE. She was brought into ACC healthy and was exposed to infected dogs. I couldn't allow her to be killed. I ran to the Brooklyn ACC and got there right before the 8 pm closing time. After hours of waiting, they finally gave her to me with a vial of antibiotics. Roxy was well in a week. Six weeks later she had three puppies although only two survived. ACC was going to euthanize a treatable, adoptable dog that was pregnant with puppies. They told me that they would help with the puppy's expenses but they never did. I'm still waiting to get my "deposit " back because I got Roxy spayed. There needs to be a law against killing treatable and adoptable dogs. NYC ACC kills thousands of adoptable dogs and cats every year. What happened to the $18+ million that NYC ACC received in grants and donations last year? Why wasn't there compliance with Attorney General Scott Stringer's 2015 audit? Missing drugs, unexplained charges on credit cards? The ACC contract needs to be given to an honest 501c3 that has compassion for animals. Pictures of Roxy and her two puppies, Harley Blue and Brindle.

Review from Guidestar


darlenep Volunteer

Rating: 1

If it was not for the Volunteers and the Wonderful Rescue groups , and Foster's ACC would kill everything That walks in their doors. Their employees are rude, unprofessional, and uncaring. The building is unattractive, smells horrible, is dirty , and infested with disease. I literally leave there feeling sick. I have rescued 15 animals from there and wake up trying to figure out how to do more every day.

Review from Guidestar


DonnaF General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

The biggest slaughterhouse in NYC! Go adopt these Death Row cats and dogs please!!!!

Review from Guidestar


Animalcare General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

Where I live my shelter is no kill and they still remain open. There is no need to destroy innocent, healthy animals. God will judge you in the end.. In Vermont we call you guys Nazi camps

Review from Guidestar


Dudleyboy General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

I am in Ohio, down here NY shelters are known as"DEATH CAMPS". Most animals don't make it out, not because people don't want to foster/adopt, it's vecause these shelters kill the animals before they even have a chance. They put them in back so they can't be seen, then they say time us up and ACTUALLY DRAG THEM TO THE KILL ROOM.
So many Bully breeds get killed because the so-called POS managers
Don't think they deserve a loving home. These DEATH CAMPS need to
fire everyone of them. They DO NOT care about the animals. The animals come in terrified and the workers are mean, abuse them, drag them, choke them with catch poles etc. Everyone has been trying to help all of these animals, rescues, fosters, adopters. If anyone really sees what is going on behind their closed doors, everyone would be charged with animal cruelty and abuse. We are trying to get the FBI involved because of the disgusting treatment of animals. Do your own investigation, ( undercover) if you really want to see what they do!!
In good faith, I would give -5 stars!

Review from Guidestar

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9 Diane179

Diane179 Volunteer

Rating: 1


Review from Guidestar

10 Donna250

Donna250 Volunteer

Rating: 1

Acc has failed on every animal entering the shelter system. They routinely withold medical care, they sometimes fail to even evaluate animals health. They allow injured and sicks pets to languish for days, sometimes almost 2 weeks, even those listed as "needs imnediate vet care, must leave by a designated time"and yet many days later that same animal remains imprisoned behind the dirty, filthy walls of acc

Review from Guidestar

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10 wendylm

wendylm Client Served

Rating: 1

2 years ago friends pointed out a beautiful orange kitty had been brought in by a military family who had been deployed. Orangina was brought in with her best friend-both of them 6 yrs old and with the family since they were kittens. The family asked the ACC for two things- that 1. they get both cats adopted out together and 2. with a family with children. This was not to happen- a while later both cats caught the shelter cold and Pumpkin the other cat was promptly murdered, Orangina was on the list published each eve to be killed the next day. I agreed i would take and foster her- a wonderful rescue jumped to get her out for me and she arrived at my home. 2 weeks later she was well. She is such a lovebug i immediately became a foster failure, She is a major part of my family - i am appalled how these animals are mistreated in filth and neglect and it is tragic acc would lie to our military who are out there defending our country. The could have referred the client to organizations who would have helped them such as PACT.

Review from Guidestar

This place is the last stop for nyc homeless and abandoned animals. Once a healthy animal enters through their doors it's almost an immediate death sentence. The animal will contract disease and then be killed for it. The facilities are rundown, dark, dinghy, depressing and disease infested. Animals are subjected to substandard care, suffering and dying everyday inside these god forsaken facilities. Please DO NOT surrender your pet here. Please make sure your pet is microchipped so if your pet winds up lost and here you will know! This is not a "shelter" in the true sense of the word, this is an undeniable animal killing machine who is killing healthy adoptable easily treatable animals including kittens and puppies everyday!

Review from Guidestar


cincigirl Professional with expertise in this field

Rating: 1

This is a kill shelter that constantly fails the animals in its "care." The animals get kennel cough or an upper respiratory infection, are treated for a few days, then killed. Animals languish for days with untreated injuries or illnesses and suffer needlessly. Dogs and cats suffer here. I have been banned from making comments on their Facebook page. Look into the recent audit by Comptroller Scott Stringer. it will tell you the story. I am unable to give a "zero" star rating.

Review from Guidestar


norascats General Member of the Public

Rating: 1

This is a kill shelter. They keep promising to stop the killing, but they excuses they give are increasingly more lame.
They have an epidemic level of illness and are using the level of infection to kill young well behaved dogs.

The NYC ACC is a 501c charitable organization and yet their governance and practices do not reflect the values of one. The people that work there are made to sign a gag order. The executive director is a lawyer not a person with a background in animal welfare. Any cases of suspected abuse such as bashing out the teeth of the dog Keidith are never investigated or reported to the public that pays the bills. A recent audit showed negligence and a lack of caring in the use of outdated and missing drugs. Credit cards were misused by the executive director and managers and 17K in late charges to cards was paid out. Many animals are killed by mistake but this is called computer glitches and miscommunication and error. Most of the animals are killed for catching a cold and these are all adoptable animals. People turn in their animals due to not being able to afford their health care when there are programs supposedly in place to help keep these animals in their homes. No one on the board is an animal advocate or behaviorist. The lack of transparency and accountability to the public it serves is a sad statement indeed. It is funded by the DOH whose mission statement is solely the welfare of people at the expense of animals. Until NYC ACC is transparent and accountable it will always be animal control masquerading as care. The review would not allow 0 star rating.

Review from Guidestar

Nyc Center for Animal Care and Control


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